So today's post will be a bit strange as I'm going to gush about how much I love my wee girl and rant about how much I hate scrapbooking! Doesn't get much more opposite than that! : )
So first of's my sweet little girls birthday today. She's one. It's so hard to believe. It's amazing how our memories work in that I remember going to the hospital to have her like it was yesterday and yet there's been a whole year of days since then. She is adorable and so funny and cute and full of happiness and looks so much like her brother it's wonderful! She fills us with joy and we're so glad to have her in our lives. Happy Birthday Miss Aberdeen!
And now for the rant....I hate scrapbooking! For my sons first birthday I made a two page spread "year in review" using a picture from each month of his first year to show the changes he went through. I wanted to do the same for Abby.......4 hours and a huge mess later I got two whole pages done. Two stinkin' pages! Scrapbooking just does not come naturally to me at all. I mean I do love the look of it and I have a major scrapbook paper obsession (I own way more paper than I'll ever use) and I do own a Cricut which I love yet rarely use but when it comes to layouts and cropping and colour co-ordinating I just get major creative block! I think a lot of it is the mess. I actually digital scrapbook and really like it. It's easy and if something doesn't look right just click a button and change it, easy peasy! I'm pretty basic as I just add pics, dates and maybe a blurb here and there. No embellishments, nothing fancy, just the basics but I do enjoy it and all you need is your computer! But alas the traditional way will always be a great pain to me but I love my kids so I try! Here is Aberdeen's one two page spread that she'll always have to document her first year. Back to the digital version I go!
Love you sweet girl!

awe, why on earth would that be strange? i think it's a beautiful thing to adore your little one this way! happy b-day to her!!! and the scrapbooking rant makes sense to me lades.
i do the digital thing too and can understand how the actual procedure would become overwhelming. i'd say "scrap" it but i see you're already leaning in the happier direction. cheers to that! ♥
Sooo much happier! It's still time consuming but not as much as real scrapbooking and far less frustrating!
Thanks for the comment! :)
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