Another amazingly creative idea found on Idea Quarter via Pinterest. Framed pin and thread text art by Debbie Smyth. Photographed by Zac Mead.
It blows my mind what Debbie Smyth can do. You must run as fast as your clicking finger will allow over to her blog where you will be blown away by what you see. The installation landscape piece is out of this world and it kills me to think that in just a few weeks it will all be taken down. Thank goodness for pictures! Oh how I wish I lived in England so I could see it in person! If you do live in England you can purchase a Debbie Smyth piece all for your own. You can find her Alphablox on Go check out her blog right now! I insist! : )

amazing! Heading over to her blog right now...
incredz!!!!!!! i love this more than my measly words can say. too cool and thanks for posting. i will def be checking out her space.
i've had artist friends who work tirelessly on something for a studio time limit and have actually seen them shed a tear when taking it down. wow, artists struggle in more ways than one, that's for sure. ♥
Kristi - hope you liked the blog!
Lynn - they do, they totally do. Installation pieces have always facinated me. My parents are both artists so I've seen a few go up and come down. It's crazy the amount of work. Thank goodness for photos!
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