Yay for The Kings Speech which had a great night at the Oscars yesterday winning Best Picture among other awards (double yay for Colin Firth!). I absolutely love this movie, every part of it include the sets which I was fascinated with as I watched the movie. I wondered if they were made to look like theatre sets as they gave off that impression. Well Melanie at You Are My Fave sent me a link this weekend that made me jump for joy. The doctors office is a real place! Real!!!! It's a Georgian Townhouse located in Central London and you can actually rent it out (for a pretty penny I'm sure but still!). You can even take a look at the floor plans for the entire building. Check out the doctors office on page 3 which is officially called "Distressed Room". It's just so wonderful to know that amazing places like this actually exist in the world! Thank you Melanie for sharing this with me!

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