I have to apologize for being so sporadic in my posting lately. If you recall I posted a few months back about how my husband and I had decided to build a house. Well it's built and moving day is this weekend. Life has been crazy the last few months but manageable but now with most of the house in boxes my computer time just doesn't exist right now. This makes me sad but soon we will be moved into our new house and I'll be back daily with more fun finds and hopefully some new ideas I've wanted to introduce to the blog for a long time now. I just wanted to thank you all for being such wonderful followers and let you know why I haven't been around as consistently as I once was. I will be back! : )
The wonderful photograph above can be found in the shop The Little Piper on Etsy.

Good luck with your move, Lindy!
Moving is always a crazy time! I hope you and your family enjoy the new house though :-)
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