I'm due to have my wee babe April 3. Post a comment with your guess as to DATE AND TIME that she'll arrive. The closest person without going over will win one item from my shop, your choice.
Please make sure to include the DATE AND TIME. Guesses with just the date will not be counted. Also please make sure to include your EMAIL ADDRESS so I can contact you if you're the winner.
Thank you everyone and let the guessing begin! : )
I'm gonna go with tomorrow (mar. 24) at noon. Mostly just because I hope mine is born by then too haha!
(also it said my first comment didnt work so if this shows up twice, sorry!)
Babies everywhere! Congratulations! I just had a contest on my blog for my grandson! I am going to guess 4/2 at 10:30 am. Good luck to you, sending prayers your way!
My youngest daughters birthday is April 2nd.
So I'm going with April 2nd at 6:30 PM
april fool's day of course! at 2:00 am. UGH
Congrats! My guess is that she'll be born on 4/6, at 11.20 a.m.
Goog luck to you!
Ooh, fun! Congratulations! I'd guess March 30 at 6:00 p.m. :)
I am going to pick 4/3 at 6.36 am. Good luck and congrats!
Thanks for all the guesses everyone! I really appreciate it.
Babe arrived on March 24, at 1:13 pm so Hilda is our lucky winner!
Blogging has been slow since her arrival. I hopefully to be back to a regular schedule soon enough. : )
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