Monday, February 22, 2010

The prettiest pinata!

Isn't this just the prettiest thing you've ever seen!? It's a pinata! I don't think I could bring myself to break it open no matter how good the candy inside. : )

This pinata is actually a soccer ball that's had tissue paper glued to it. It was used as part of a 4 year old girls birthday party! Soooooo cute! I found this lovely pinata via the awesome blog Inchmark. Brooke is formerly a senior art director for Martha Stewart and she posts some of the most amazing ideas on her blog. You don't want to miss out so go take a peek!


You Are My Fave said...

I kind of want to start making pretty pinatas for a living. Brooke is the best.

craftedbylindy said...

I definitely think there is a place for nice, pretty pinatas. I'm not sure I'd have the patience for them though, haha! They take a long time to make and they're very messy! : )