Wednesday, November 02, 2011


I love the look of embroidery. Especially personalized, unique, out of the box, quirky embroidery like these two examples above. I found them on the awesome Canadian site Freckled Nest (you must check this site out!) via Jessica's Pinterest. The only problem is I couldn't find the exact blog post so I'm not entirely sure where they came from. If you know please tell me. The awesome ErinK left a comment letting all of use know where this embroidery can be found. It's from OhHiShop on Etsy. Unfortunately the shop is closed but there is a blog and another cool shop, Locality to check out instead. Thank you Erin! Mystery solved!


  1. It looks like they came from the Oh, Hi Shop on Etsy - unfortunately, the shop is closed :(

  2. These are awesome, at first I thought it was scattered rice or sprinkles!

  3. Thanks for all the comments everyone! Turns out the shop is OhHiShop on Etsy but it's closed. Too bad! :(
