Thursday, August 18, 2011

I love Pyrex.....

As seen on Anonymous Was a Woman. Found via Amanda on Pinterest.

I love Pyrex, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. I love Pyrex, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. No seriously the colours, the shapes, the patterns. Pyrex is high up there on my Me Likey list. It also reminds me of my grandma which is always a good thing. When she moved out of her house I snagged her Yellow Pyrex Mixing Bowls (similar to the third picture below), not to mention her Tupperware Measuring Cups. : ) Miss you grandma!


  1. I love these bowls too!!They look so pretty and colourful!!

  2. i have mad pyrex love as well... love finding them at the thrift store :)

  3. It is wonderful, isn't it?
    I'm also a big fan of fire king :)

  4. Thanks so much for all the comments! I'm happy to know I'm not the only Pyrex lover out there! : )

  5. I just added to my collection yesterday, I just love my pieces. I have some from when I was younger and some that I've recently found. I posted about them on my blog this morning.

  6. That so cool that your collection has some old and some new stuff...well all old obviously but you know what I mean. Lol. Thank you for stopping by!
