Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I've been mia the last few days and I apologize! My husband went on a golf trip this past weekend and while he was gone my parents came to visit. We've been busy hanging curtain rods and pictures around the house. It's been great to get some of these things off the to do list! One of the pictures we hung was the lovely little birdie you see above. I purchased him from the awesome shop junecraft on Etsy. He is now hanging in my office and looking rather handsome. 

I also purchased this fantastic print from junecraft. Unfortunately he has yet to find a home but soon! This house has so many walls and I have commitment issues when it comes to putting holes in them but we're getting there! 

Check out junecraft's sister shop dyedinthewoolyarnco for amazing hand painted yarns. And don't miss out on June Craft the blog.

Life is calming down now so I hope to be back at it more regularly. I hope you're all doing well!


  1. That print is so cute! I figured out how to leave comments. It was because I was reading with the bloglovin frame on. Apparently it won't let me leave comments that way...

  2. That's interesting! I'm glad you figured it out! Yay for comments, thank you so much!

  3. Thanks so very much for your kind words about my prints! I'm so glad that they've found such a nice home! :)
