Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Things I'd like to try.....

I'd like to try decorating a cake this way. I'm not sure I have the patience to see it through but I'd like to try. Found via Martha Stewart Weddings.

I'd like to learn to knit or crochet. I tried once upon a time but it never took. Perhaps if I started on a much larger scale like this I'd have better luck. Found here.

I'd like to reupholster the seats of old chairs with fun fabrics. First step...find some chairs. Image found on NIGHTWOOD.


  1. Definitely take a knitting class, if there's a local yarn/craft store that offers it! I went for it recently, and it's really helpful to have someone show you, rather than doing the self-taught thing.

  2. That's a great idea! My SIL taught me to crochet a bit when she was visiting once but then she went home and we live no where near each other so that makes it tricky. Local is definitely better, haha! Thanks again!

  3. I crochet with a large needle a J or K....and a roll of big fat yarn that looks like school yarn, I can make a throw blanket in about 1-2 hours.

    I tried knitting once...I dropped out.

    I'm thinking of filming video crochet lesson. wouldn't that be fun?

  4. That would be super fun! Do it for sure! : ) I used to be able to knit, just long scarves basically. Never learnt to crochet. One day! : )
